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^ШХР: *http://esa.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/esa
^АВТ: Barajas-Ortiz M.; Leon-Sicairos C.R.; Lopez-Valenzuela J.A.; Reyes-Moreno C.; Valdez-Ortiz A.; Velarde-Felix S.; Peraza-Garay F.; Garzon-Tiznado J.A.
^ЗГЛ: Transmission Efficiency of Tomato Apex Necrosis Virus by Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Biotype B in Tomato [Экспериментальное исследование эффективности переноса вируса некроза верхушки томата (Tomato Apex Necrosis Virus) B-биотипом хлопковой белокрылки (Bemisia tabaci) на томатах. (Мексика)]
^ВЫХ: Journal of Economic Entomology, 2013; Vol.106,N 4. - P. 1559-1565
^ДАТ: 2013

^РЕФ: Tomato apex necrosis virus (ToANV) is a new virus that causes important damage in tomato crops from the Culiacan Valley, Sinaloa, Mexico. To understand the relationship between ToANV and its vector Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) (Gennadius) biotype B, laboratory and greenhouse trials were completed to: 1) determine the acquisition and inoculation access periods of ToANV by B. tabaci from tomato to tomato, 2) understand the transmission efficiency at different B. tabaci population densities, 3) estimate the time from inoculation of the virus at different B. tabaci densities to manifestation of symptoms in the plants, and 4) determine the retention time of the virus by the insect vector. The presence of the virus in plants was determined by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction amplification of a 795-bp fragment (GenBank JN704068), which is phylogenetically related to ToANV (GenBank EF063242). The results showed that B. tabaci is an effective vector for ToANV with relatively long acquisition (12 h) and inoculation (9 h) access periods; a single adult is capable of transmitting and retaining the virus for up to 7 d, suggesting a persistent mode of transmission. These results will help in the development of management strategies for controlling the vector and the disease. aref1

^TRN: 1467734
^ВИД: Статья из книги
^ЯЗК: Английский

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