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^ШХР: *http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/cbst20N.VvoyhdKLTGg (http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/cbst20N.VvoyhdKLTGg)
^АВТ: Cuellar-Sandoval J.F.; Ortega-Martinez L.D.; Hernandez-Velazquez V.M.; Cuellar-Zometa J.F.; Torres-Garcia G.; Barrales-Cureno H.J.; Salazar-Magallon J.A.
^ЗГЛ: Agroecological basis for the design of biotechnological traps based on Isaria fumosorosea for the biological control of Bemisia tabaci in strawberry crops [Агроэкологические основы оптимизации дизайна биотехнологических ловушек, основанных на энтомопатогенном грибе Isaria fumosorosea, для биологической борьбы с имаго хлопковой белокрылки (Bemisia tabaci) при выращивании земляники в защищенном грунте. (Мексика)]
^ВЫХ: Biocontrol Science & Technology, 2019; Vol.29,N 1. - P. 1-18
^ДАТ: 2019

^РЕФ: Isaria fumosorosea is an entomopathogenic fungus that is used as a control alternative for nymphs and adults of Bemisia tabaci. Currently there are some commercial products, however, in greenhouse or field, these do not reach the levels of control as in the laboratory because the viability of the spores decreases as a result of the conditions of application of these products in situ. The objective of this work is to implement, through agroecological data, a system of biotechnological traps based on I. fumosorosea to increase the control efficiency mainly of adults of B. tabaci in strawberry greenhouses. One way to quantify the degree of infestation of a crop is the use of yellow traps, likewise to determine the spatial distribution of adults. The Taylor method [(1984). Assessing and interpreting the spatial distributions of insect populations. Annual Reviews of Entomology, 29, 321-357] was used in five different strawberry cultivation models, finding aggregate and regular distributions. Finally, once the crop model with the highest degree of infestation was selected, the designed traps were tested and mortalities were obtained between 50% and 90% in both the laboratory and the greenhouse. The biotechnological traps based on I. fumosorosea both in the laboratory and in the greenhouse had statistically the same effect as those used under the traditional method used in the field that is aspersion; therefore, this alternative method of application can be a tool important for the biological control of this pest. aref1

^TRN: 1847521
^ВИД: Статья из книги
^ЯЗК: Английский

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